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Если бы была услуга фототехники на прокат. Ваше действие...

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Взял бы что-то протестить перед покупкой
Ничего бы не брал


Новогодняя фотосъёмка

Категория: Статьи » Уроки фотографии |

Дата: 31 декабря 2009
Автор: Сергей Первушин (Snapshot)
Опубликовал(а): Snapshot
Источник: NikonFan.ru
Комментарии: 27829 RSS
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Новый год – один из самых ярких и поистине народных праздников в году. А для фотографа (неважно, любителя или профессионала) этот праздник жизни становится увлекательным квестом по съемке шедевров.
Однако у новогодней съемки есть значительное количество подводных камней, которые обязательно стоит упомянуть. На самом деле, особой специфики, которой невозможно было бы достичь в другие дни года, в новогодних кадрах нет. Ночная съемка, фейерверк, яркие огни, съемка праздничного концерта или утренника и портрета в интерьере, — все это вещи, с которыми профессионал или опытный любитель сталкиваются достаточно часто. Но если Вы еще не поднаторели в подобных вещах, последуйте нескольким простым советам.
Конечно, практически в любом современном фотоаппарате есть автоматический подбор оптимального для съемки режима, однако если сама мысль об этом вызывает у Вас священное негодование, стоит прикинуть примерный план действий. Если Вы просто хотите запечатлеть себя с семьей на фоне елки, этот план должен быть следующим:
а) выбираете подходящий режим фотоаппарата (настраиваете выдержку, диафрагму, баланс белого или просто включаете режим «ночной съемки»);
б) устанавливаете фотоаппарат на ровную поверхность или штатив (часто в праздники фотографов не спасает даже самый лучший стабилизатор);
в) при необходимости включаете режим автосъемке и бежите на свое место или просто чинно и благородно фотографируете близких.
Однако не все так просто, как выглядит на словах.
В первую очередь необходимо определиться с базовым отношением «выдержка-диафрагма». В зависимости от условий съемки оно значительно варьируется. Если Вы пытаетесь запечатлеть веселые хороводы вокруг елки в детском саду в дневное время или любимую группу на ярко освещенной сцене, то есть вокруг объектов съемки достаточно света, а сами они находятся в движении, стоит максимально сократить выдержку, чтобы не было смазанности кадра. А вот если Вы, напротив, стремитесь добиться эффекта движения, небольшой смаз не повредит, и выдержка должна быть более длинной. Главное в этом случае – не переборщить. Для дополнительной подсветки, если она необходима, можно использовать вспышку или студийный свет.
А если Вы хотите добиться красивых кадров со световыми дорожками, как на следующем фото, нужно поставить длинную выдержку. Кстати, этот же эффект можно получить при ночной съемке автострады, а также такой вид съёмки рекомендуется при съёмке салютов.
Параметры же диафрагмы зависят в большой степени от того, насколько резким должно быть фото. Если Вы хотите акцентировать внимание на одном объекте и получить приятное расплывчатое боке на заднем плане, стоит снимать на максимально открытом отверстии. Если же глубина резкости должна захватывать несколько разноплановых объектов, используйте высокие значения параметра диафрагмы.
Выдержка также играет большую роль, когда Вы снимаете в темноте или полумраке. Низкая освещенность играет на руку искушенному фотографу: в темноте или при свете праздничных гирлянд можно добиться потрясающих цвето-световых эффектов. Однако снять хорошее фото в подобных условиях – задача непростая. Дело в том, что если включить верхний свет в комнате, где стоит переливающаяся огоньками гирлянд елка, то освещение и вспышка убьют всю ее красоту. Гирлянда будет выглядеть отключенной. А если снимать в режиме ночной съемки, Вы можете добиться того, что плоские лица будут единственным светлым пятном на фото, а все остальное погрузится во мрак. Чтобы избежать этого, необходимо отключить вспышку и свет и попробовать подобрать оптимальную выдержку. Оговоримся сразу: она будет большой, потому что наша задача – это получить не черный прямоугольник, а нормальную фотографию, отражающую людей и игру света зеленой красавицы. Особо стоит сказать: если Вы хотите, чтобы по фотографии было в самом деле понятно, что это Новый год, не загораживайте елку, выстраивая гостей рядами, как на комсомольском фото. Работа фотографа как раз и состоит в том, чтобы быть как можно менее заметным, а «работа» объектов съемки – быть раскованными, а не зажато-официальными в лучший праздник в году.
Проблему неправильной фокусировки легко решить, устанавливая точку фокусировки на наиболее освещенном участке объекта. Если у вашего фотоаппарата несколько точек фокусировки, не бойтесь экспериментировать: кадры от смены центральной точки на что-то менее стандартное становятся только лучше.
Интересный эффект ореола вокруг огоньков гирлянды можно добиться за счет использования «звездных» (star) фильтров. А в «домашних» условиях попробуйте максимально уменьшить диафрагменное отверстие (если Вы пользуетесь автоматическим режимом, такое может получиться в режиме «Ночной ландшафт»). Кроме того, некоторые фотоаппараты имеют специальные сценарии «Фейерверк», «Свеча», «Светлый портрет» и прочее.
Главное – не бояться экспериментировать, ведь Новый год – прекрасный повод для различного рода экспериментов. С Новым Годом Вас и удачных Вам снимков!


Источник: NikonFan.ru


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  • #17611 написал :  Muncnoink

    16 февраля 2014 04:30 | ICQ: 376751323 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 4.06.2013
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    #17613 написал :  Paitsimmuct

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    Регистрация: 4.06.2013
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    #17614 написал :  SeiffpaypeSop

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    Регистрация: 5.06.2013
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    16 февраля 2014 04:37 | ICQ: 328862127 | Ссылка | , |

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    Регистрация: 5.06.2013
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    #17616 написал :  seesofelexy

    16 февраля 2014 04:38 | ICQ: 321411122 | Ссылка | , |

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    Регистрация: 4.06.2013
    TOURING: Ceillhie and Neil Sperath company is called TIME (To Integrate Maori Experiences). This season, the trendy big handbags are becoming the latest ashion emergency? The breakdown of July retail sales by commodity categories showed a very interesting story. Open at Pebble Beach Golf Links in June. And her boyfriend of 6 years, she came to the relatively high wages of zhengzhou development, to earn some money to go back, waiting for her boyfriend, but less than a year, he had someone else. I believe that fall in love is not level, eleven on the ten day, i want to and you have our nine nine day and one hundred day. I laugh at myself, but you don't know how much i be overcome by one's feelings. I can say to you, i do not go up to call you, you don sound !
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    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 5.06.2013
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    #17618 написал :  Muncnoink

    16 февраля 2014 04:42 | ICQ: 376751323 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 4.06.2013
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    #17619 написал :  Paitsimmuct

    16 февраля 2014 04:44 | ICQ: 265434748 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 4.06.2013
    Forever young, forever young is only the young mind, spirit forever, life is not forever, never forever young. A vaccination, toys, treats but could some of these things actually be harmful to your pet health? Elect those who you feel in your heart will stand up for you, and not cave in to the pressures of the other members who serve with them. Make sure you study it cautiously, you can search for the most effective refinance mortgage loan rate of interest online with out even setting foot outside the door! Although our relationship is no longer the same, how we can say that breaking off, dear, i just like their. With its headquarters in Indianapolis, IN, the chain has around 650 stores in the United States, where it sells shoes, equipment and sports apparel for all ages. So if your like me and are looking for a new tube this summer for the lake than you might want to consider these 4 things when shopping for a towable tube. He raised his head and looked for a long while, well, a pair of finally epiphany.
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    #17620 написал :  reitteeKigFaf

    16 февраля 2014 04:46 | ICQ: 244112685 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 4.06.2013
    I saw the old man took the child's hand to send them to school, a woman with a want to get out of the reins of dogs at a walk, a man's hand swinging a bag of dumplings to sent to the family breakfast at i could smell the hot breath of life, to stay in school for a long time, dining room of dormitory of the classroom every day the three-point line, difficult to sniff some unusual smell. the shoes almost dominated, some people often choose the wrong shoes and then pull down the overall dressing, in the fashion family, the shoes is more important, but now you do not worry about it any more, the cheap christian louboutin shoes has been the fashion essential Designer Shoes Boots, will help you solve the problem easily. While Associate Degrees are a great way to get started on, completing a person Bachelors presents you with many doorways to various professions, there are numerous internet Bachelor Course Programs available through institutions like The University of Phoenix, Intercontinental University Online and Kaplan. 20, 2009, at The Carlyle hotel The Carlyle Hotel is a luxury hotel located at 35 East 76th Street in the Upper East Side area of New York City. A farming is very easy to see a person, never wrong. He suddenly find work fun, potty time gave him hitherto unknown leisurely and harvest. I ran away from a more distant firewood back to hide, i find that my grandma. His wife was unwilling to remain out of the limelight of people, always club hezekiah to gossip, and i still mind does not change, still digging around in their own books, in the book to find his fun.
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    #17621 написал :  ethimitefus

    16 февраля 2014 04:49 | ICQ: 342625424 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 3.06.2013
    I can take her to see the river shaodong, because i know jiang shaodong hates her. I am currently helping my friend to find a Loius Vuitton bag for a good price. His legacy, the Ashantilly Center, hosts cultural and historic events and workshops. The luxury comforters are sold with baffle boxes that take care of the storage concern and maintain the down from cold spots and in pockets. Every time i ask, you will answer what, but i didn't mind. Love of family, love the nine million six hundred thousand square kilometers of the great jiangchuan river. He is the man who opened the door, he faced me, always a sad look, always hangs a rare smile, come back, have dinner, wow, your hair ~ i touched, day, what is this? I comfort myself how many times, how much to eat sleeping pills to relieve yourself another sleepless night.
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    #17622 написал :  seesofelexy

    16 февраля 2014 04:50 | ICQ: 321411122 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 4.06.2013
    I immediately read the inner subtext: you send me the man like cigarettes, i send you a woman like scarf, even. All stocks and options shown are examples only not recommendations to buy or sell. Reading the ingredients and nutrition value the chips fit the bill. Khaitan remains Vice Chairman of the HMX Group and will be based in London. Family responsibility cropland by evergreen government establishs farming companies to work. From the book out when it seems to be dark, but time is not too late. He does not need a car and housing, this is a street for a. If two people with each other honest, will not lead to each other with another man, you have to stand at his (her) place to think, and constantly reflect on their own, have a look yourself where you do not, as far as possible so that he (she) meet.
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    #17623 написал :  reitteeKigFaf

    16 февраля 2014 04:58 | ICQ: 244112685 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 4.06.2013
    I don't find him no longer find him not to look for him. Krishnan and public prosecutor Rajiv Mohan, however, asked the judge to proceed with the recording of witnesses' statements, telling the court that the defence was using delaying tactics. This conveniently leaves him as the ultimate interpreter. Objekt im MessierKatalog der astronomischen Objekte ist. Because i want every day to leave a little about your memory. He showed that tillage embarrassment, security advice is in make fun of a plough, but very sensitive, kind careless, the listener interested, the security is it all just make fun of, a plough was somewhat seriously, on the spot to innervate yiyi ominously tentatively, to the leadership that wish, ashamed, fool agrarian rarely have the shame, words cannot express, the fool plough is indeed too suddenly. I through an extraordinary nineteen years, my 1 9 years. From a social be misfits the young cynic quickly integrate into the community, from a lonely person has a lot of friends, from an orphan became a human get a lot of things, of course also lost something.
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    #17624 написал :  ethimitefus

    16 февраля 2014 05:01 | ICQ: 342625424 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 3.06.2013
    From one thousand two hundred to two thousand, salary, three thousand. Abboud, 63, did not seem like an obvious fit when he joined Men Wearhouse, a middlemarket retailer, seven months ago. Beach has been shopping and dining at Miromar Outlets since the mall opened in 1998. Since 1960, when DFS opened its first store at Hong Kong International Airport, the company has defined the essence of a unique luxury shopping experience dedicated to travelers, successfully operating two large downtown stores in Hong Kong on Mody Road, since 1988, and Canton Road, since 1996. Early in the morning, the commune members with a shovel, a morning kung fu will give you large gable playing well. I despise his own nothing, not calm, everything is just a dream, i need not hold it. I hope that day he said is true, but not lie to me lie ! From then, you found a new friends and relatives?
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    #17625 написал :  arourtult

    16 февраля 2014 05:02 | ICQ: 244515165 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 30.05.2013
    Former concubine three thousand pet, and you who love. п»їcontrolled Device Made by RF Module The Manufacturer Swami Kripalu (1913 1981) My wife and I took two of our Grandkids to visit Riverhead and took them to see this attraction after a walk along the river. Prada is an Italian luxury goods company, founded in 1914. Although the sun at noon or give people the feeling of burning, but also go into a cul-de-sac is. For two years, in the hope that the 2013 summer or winter, realizing the dream now, get a diploma, and start to plan for. At that time, I always imaged that I was an elegant princess dressing a white gorgeous skirt and carrying such kind of bag. I want to have such a person, always accompany me walk, then help me correct my mistakes, let i can smile grew.
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    #17626 написал :  liebroroboora

    16 февраля 2014 05:03 | ICQ: 251141473 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 30.05.2013
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    Makeup ExaminerYvonne P MazzuloYvonne a.k.a The Makeup Examiner is a beauty junkie who, amongst her educational credentials, has a diploma in cosmetology. Readers will experience news about the hottest trends, best beauty products, and beauty tips from Yvonne’s interactions with the world’s most renowned cosmetic industry leaders and innovators. Whether prestige or mass, glam or natural, Yvonne’s philosophy for makeup is to enhance your natural beauty, not cover it up. For business inquiries or questions email Yvonne ypmexaminer@gmail.com. Check out The Makeup Examiner on Facebookand Twitter.ypmazzYvonne P MazzuloYvonne P MazzuloMakeup


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    Регистрация: 30.05.2013
    I have to lose your message, just want to, as you probably know, i grow up, i can protect myself. After CKCC's lawsuit was filed, Ralph Lauren changed the ROMANCE bottle design by adding a label reading Ralph Lauren Romance around the collar of the bottle's cap. create a style positioned on men, women and children is much youth through the ordinary. When Miuccia Prada inherited the company she steared it away from leather goods to an actual Haute Couture designers. But i know, this world is always a lack of sense of security. From hangzhou to beijing, this time not to walk, because this is my home, i also will eventually return to the places. He is a common shaft type belt, but often postural instability, the waistband head moved to one side of the waist, so every time i want to remind him, and feel shy to remind. He is always with great care and they keep the proper distance.
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    16 февраля 2014 05:14 | ICQ: 334841634 | Ссылка | , |

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    Регистрация: 10.03.2012
    Makeup ExaminerYvonne P MazzuloYvonne a.k.a The Makeup Examiner is a beauty junkie who, amongst her educational credentials, has a diploma in cosmetology. Readers will experience news about the hottest trends, best beauty products, and beauty tips from Yvonne’s interactions with the world’s most renowned cosmetic industry leaders and innovators. Whether prestige or mass, glam or natural, Yvonne’s philosophy for makeup is to enhance your natural beauty, not cover it up. For business inquiries or questions email Yvonne ypmexaminer@gmail.com. Check out The Makeup Examiner on Facebookand Twitter.ypmazzYvonne P MazzuloYvonne P MazzuloMakeup


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    However, her parents, with a white lie lied to her. However, these disadvantages allowed him to steadily focus on one part of his business at a time: 1968 first full line of Ralph Lauren menswear, 1969 first Polo Ralph Lauren store, 1972 first Ralph Lauren Polo shirt, 1972 first full Ralph Lauren womenswear line, and 1978 first Ralph Lauren fragrances. 3 IT borsa marketing capolavoro di tecnica He then said you owe me $180 for the fitting two pairs of contacts (he had my son try 2 pairs before 1 was comfortable). 1, third days, one morning a tillage carrying parcels, follow that guy from guizhou that guizhou fellow, from thence to the tai wo seed farms, a plough is like to be delivered from oppression, feel fresh, yu geng no point students taste, but a genuine workers, a plow finished a site, but also with the guizhou fellow-townsman to another site to find sources of stem, wage earners like this job, but in the factory and in the service sector work, there are a lot of differences between aberdeen. I opened a door, deadpan threw himself into the car, look at the bus flies away. I like to write all the flavor text full of sadness. However, when the night came, i was standing at the door of the shop on the open ground, gazing at the sky in the wheel broken moon trance.
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    Регистрация: 15.06.2013
    I'm glad, i although humble but i always than what people see more flowers. Lauren was born in the New York City borough of The Bronx to Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants Fraydl (Kotlar) and Frank Lifshitz, a house reinterprets the officials' clothing in a contemporary and stylish manner. To kick this off, I'm excited to bring you Lindsay Phillips's story. п»їFall's footwear is rugged A farming heart, gradually some be indignant, think fat boss is too impersonal, even in the advantage of penetrating rural people, than the city people to pay more attention to human, rural people will feel the city many practices impersonal, city people don. п»їTo see more at the national day holiday in a few days ago, a boy lying in bed in no mood to play a mobile phone, that day just girls did not work, the girl asked the boy to call her, the boy did not refuse to give the girl a call to, in boys and girls call when the boy heard the girl, the boy knew the girl over there have been very happy, listen girl happy laughter, boy lips smiled, girl happy for him to be the most gratifying thing, boy was silent for a moment and asked the girl. However, children do not understand, do not appreciate, when the second night. I am very strong, but i also want to have an ability to understand and rely on the shoulder.
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    16 февраля 2014 06:01 | ICQ: 146175813 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 15.06.2013
    I heard that one can come back to test, the news immediately tell you, you also told me to, i suddenly want to say :as long as there is a ray of hope, we will spare no effort. by Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior, a midseason spinoff that will feature a different cast but will still be set in the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit in Quantico, Va. You worry about how much to spend on promotional gifts, precisely what is or isn't appropriate and when you should or shouldn't provide a gift. Though it still calls itself Alaska's Newspaper, the Anchorage Daily News has become a faint shadow of its heyday self. Embrace the dream of color, wait to belong to my world. God bless i face has a white green time, where can see, holding tray rushed into the kitchen. He sometimes asked me to accompany him to go long, often worry asked me if one day he is old still want him. From the new agency to the tomb, was in the early spring to late spring this time.
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    #17640 написал :  Creeguine

    16 февраля 2014 06:03 | ICQ: 243144728 | Ссылка | , |

    Группа: Читатель
    Регистрация: 15.06.2013
    Said :snow ;little love to anyone to leave traces, dripping water wears through a stone. Watson then finished T5 and T8 in his next two Champions Tour starts, but not before shooting an openinground 67 in the Masters. Prior to the NFL, Ingrao was an international sales and operations manager for Polo Ralph Lauren in London, and worked as a sales operations manager for Reebok International's European, African and Middle Eastern distributor businesses, based in London and Munich. As for guys, they need to be at least 5'11 to 6'2 for fashion. And friends with this story, she express volumes to emerge a: oh, the old. I want to go home, you lie prone dogs may not go back, but you are not disappointed, i didn make it dirty, it is so cute. I will be good to you, maybe you can change, but i will not simply give up, i will try my best to make you come back to me, i know, you seriously you will not be all one, material is of secondary importance, you give me the spirit of giving everyone not to drop, really have this sentence is enough, others look at me say i talk too much time, actually i just talked about again, this is the last time to be the last time that we are not together, i will find a, ah, do not think so, too don say so if you know the results of my first should not, ha ha because feelings out of ~ is not a thing of the past is the past, do not think, well, for you and for me not to become the past, i have to work steadily, but i say it was not want so much to say later discovered that one no pressure. He had a strong, also had pride, but at that moment, in front of me, he is as fragile as a child.
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