Новый год – один из самых ярких и поистине народных праздников в году. А для фотографа (неважно, любителя или профессионала) этот праздник жизни становится увлекательным квестом по съемке шедевров. Однако у новогодней съемки есть значительное количество подводных камней, которые обязательно стоит упомянуть. На самом деле, особой специфики, которой невозможно было бы достичь в другие дни года, в новогодних кадрах нет. Ночная съемка, фейерверк, яркие огни, съемка праздничного концерта или утренника и портрета в интерьере, — все это вещи, с которыми профессионал или опытный любитель сталкиваются достаточно часто. Но если Вы еще не поднаторели в подобных вещах, последуйте нескольким простым советам. Конечно, практически в любом современном фотоаппарате есть автоматический подбор оптимального для съемки режима, однако если сама мысль об этом вызывает у Вас священное негодование, стоит прикинуть примерный план действий. Если Вы просто хотите запечатлеть себя с семьей на фоне елки, этот план должен быть следующим: а) выбираете подходящий режим фотоаппарата (настраиваете выдержку, диафрагму, баланс белого или просто включаете режим «ночной съемки»); б) устанавливаете фотоаппарат на ровную поверхность или штатив (часто в праздники фотографов не спасает даже самый лучший стабилизатор); в) при необходимости включаете режим автосъемке и бежите на свое место или просто чинно и благородно фотографируете близких. Однако не все так просто, как выглядит на словах. В первую очередь необходимо определиться с базовым отношением «выдержка-диафрагма». В зависимости от условий съемки оно значительно варьируется. Если Вы пытаетесь запечатлеть веселые хороводы вокруг елки в детском саду в дневное время или любимую группу на ярко освещенной сцене, то есть вокруг объектов съемки достаточно света, а сами они находятся в движении, стоит максимально сократить выдержку, чтобы не было смазанности кадра. А вот если Вы, напротив, стремитесь добиться эффекта движения, небольшой смаз не повредит, и выдержка должна быть более длинной. Главное в этом случае – не переборщить. Для дополнительной подсветки, если она необходима, можно использовать вспышку или студийный свет. А если Вы хотите добиться красивых кадров со световыми дорожками, как на следующем фото, нужно поставить длинную выдержку. Кстати, этот же эффект можно получить при ночной съемке автострады, а также такой вид съёмки рекомендуется при съёмке салютов. Параметры же диафрагмы зависят в большой степени от того, насколько резким должно быть фото. Если Вы хотите акцентировать внимание на одном объекте и получить приятное расплывчатое боке на заднем плане, стоит снимать на максимально открытом отверстии. Если же глубина резкости должна захватывать несколько разноплановых объектов, используйте высокие значения параметра диафрагмы. Выдержка также играет большую роль, когда Вы снимаете в темноте или полумраке. Низкая освещенность играет на руку искушенному фотографу: в темноте или при свете праздничных гирлянд можно добиться потрясающих цвето-световых эффектов. Однако снять хорошее фото в подобных условиях – задача непростая. Дело в том, что если включить верхний свет в комнате, где стоит переливающаяся огоньками гирлянд елка, то освещение и вспышка убьют всю ее красоту. Гирлянда будет выглядеть отключенной. А если снимать в режиме ночной съемки, Вы можете добиться того, что плоские лица будут единственным светлым пятном на фото, а все остальное погрузится во мрак. Чтобы избежать этого, необходимо отключить вспышку и свет и попробовать подобрать оптимальную выдержку. Оговоримся сразу: она будет большой, потому что наша задача – это получить не черный прямоугольник, а нормальную фотографию, отражающую людей и игру света зеленой красавицы. Особо стоит сказать: если Вы хотите, чтобы по фотографии было в самом деле понятно, что это Новый год, не загораживайте елку, выстраивая гостей рядами, как на комсомольском фото. Работа фотографа как раз и состоит в том, чтобы быть как можно менее заметным, а «работа» объектов съемки – быть раскованными, а не зажато-официальными в лучший праздник в году. Проблему неправильной фокусировки легко решить, устанавливая точку фокусировки на наиболее освещенном участке объекта. Если у вашего фотоаппарата несколько точек фокусировки, не бойтесь экспериментировать: кадры от смены центральной точки на что-то менее стандартное становятся только лучше. Интересный эффект ореола вокруг огоньков гирлянды можно добиться за счет использования «звездных» (star) фильтров. А в «домашних» условиях попробуйте максимально уменьшить диафрагменное отверстие (если Вы пользуетесь автоматическим режимом, такое может получиться в режиме «Ночной ландшафт»). Кроме того, некоторые фотоаппараты имеют специальные сценарии «Фейерверк», «Свеча», «Светлый портрет» и прочее. Главное – не бояться экспериментировать, ведь Новый год – прекрасный повод для различного рода экспериментов. С Новым Годом Вас и удачных Вам снимков!
Уважаемый посетитель, Вы зашли на сайт как незарегистрированный пользователь. Мы рекомендуем Вам зарегистрироваться либо войти на сайт под своим именем.
In past years, beauty know-how was only important to women approaching their senior years. Nowadays, both men and women of all ages know how helpful beauty advice can be. Genes only play a small role in beauty. Using the following tips can really improve your appearance.
Fill an empty lip gloss pot or a miniscule sample jar with your preferred moisturizer. You can put this small jar anywhere you go! As soon as your skin becomes dry or flaky, apply a small amount of moisturizer to your face.
Rub Vaseline on your cuticles once a week. This should help your nails grow quicker than normal. It will also help nails and cuticles to look better. Results will be almost immediate - the Vaseline really does make the nails look great very quickly.
Apply Vaseline to your feet every night. Your feet will feel as smooth as a baby's bottom. Do this every night before you go to sleep. Apply Vaseline to your feet and then slip on some thick socks right before heading to bed.
Shimmer blush only works on people with perfect complexions. Blushes that incorporate shimmer draw attention to flaws like acne scarring, bumps and moles. You can hide skin flaws by using a matte blush.
If you plan to head out right after work, it is easy to get a fresh look by dusting some matte powder on oilier areas with a big brush. Make sure that you take care of your cheeks, as this is where a lot of oil will fester.
Use a brush with soft bristles on your skin to stimulate blood flow before the shower. Start at your toes and, in a circular fashion, work upwards to your scalp.
Eating healthy foods directly correlates with having healthy hair, skin and nails. Outer beauty radiates from inner health. Eat a diet that contains various nutrients. Fill your meals with plenty of whole grains, iron, zinc and proteins for strong and healthy hair, skin and nails.
Foundation can be used as a concealer if you run out. Use that concentrated product in place of concealer. This makes a good concealer. It is quite thick and helps to mask flaws.
If you ever get an over-glow shine in a club from all that dancing, the quickest remedy is their cheap toilet paper! Believe it or not, the rough and coarse paper is a great blotter for oily skin! All you have to do is blot your face with a square of the TP, and you will lose that shine before you can blink your eyes!
Fruit juice can benefit your skin. Eating veggies and fruits is very good for your skin and your health. Drink a juice made from fresh produce in order to add them to your diet. Replace soda with fruit juice and your skin will thank you.
You should be more confident after you have read those tips. That was a lot to read through, but at least you should have an idea of what to do and where to begin with your personal beauty regimen. Bookmark this article if you ever need a refresher course.
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With the 4th decide on in the 2006 NFL Draft, the new York Jets selected DBrickashaw Ferguson. Today, in 2014, we are able to sit in this article and say that ®Brick has commenced every single match of his job at left deal with. To get an offensive lineman which has started off many games with a row is incredible. He's strong, and he is gifted.
Over his 8 year profession, Ferguson continues to be on the list of finest left tackles within the league - he's been selected to a few Pro Bowls and it has been an element of two AFC Championship video games with Gang Eco-friendly.But why is not going to he get his share of appreciation? In most cases its pleasant to confess anyone like Ferguson. If the Jets at any time go to Tremendous Bowl, Im ready to guarantee that he wont be with a reporters skin screaming, °DONT YOU Anytime Communicate ABOUT ME!± Its time and to show some like to the soft-spoken beast which includes anchored the offensive line for many years.
Walking close to MetLife Stadium, you may not see everything a lot of supporters donning jerseys with quantity sixty for the back. And why not? A hometown kid from Freeport on Lengthy Island, Ferguson has actually been an anchor about the questionable line for near to your Ten years now. When again, hes do not ever missed a recreation; hes been a reliable Bowler. Not forgetting, his partner-in-crime across the O-Line, Nick Mangold, will get plenty of awareness.Well, personally its pretty quite simple. He shuts his mouth and may get his position carried out.
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With all the 4th decide on within the 2006 NFL Draft, the new York Jets selected DBrickashaw Ferguson. Today, in 2014, we could sit on this page and say that ®Brick has commenced every match of his job at left deal with. To obtain an offensive lineman which has started off that numerous games within a row is incredible. He's strong, and he is talented.
Above his 8 year profession, Ferguson remains on the list of finest left tackles with the league - he has been selected to 3 Pro Bowls and possesses been an element of two AFC Championship video games with Gang Eco-friendly.But why doesn't he get his share of appreciation? In some cases its pleasurable to confess anyone like Ferguson. Once the Jets at any time go to Tremendous Bowl, Im ready to ensure that he wont be with a reporters facial area screaming, °DONT YOU Anytime Communicate ABOUT ME!± The time is right and energy to show some want to the soft-spoken beast which includes anchored the offensive line for many years.
Walking close to MetLife Stadium, you may not see everything a lot of supporters donning jerseys with quantity sixty around the back. And why not? A hometown kid from Freeport on Long Island, Ferguson has actually been an anchor about the questionable line for close to your 10 years now. When again, hes under no circumstances skipped a recreation; hes been a professional Bowler. Keeping in mind, his partner-in-crime across the O-Line, Nick Mangold, can get lots of awareness.Well, for me personally its pretty very easy. He shuts his mouth and definately will get his position carried out.
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Of course, having your building supplies home delivered is going to cost, but you will find that because so many orders are being dropped off each day, the cost is not as high as you think. If you do decide that you have room enough to take delivery of your building http://renstroi.comuf.com materials there and then, keep in mind that you have to get them from the store to the carpark. If you have a large and potentially dangerous building product to move, ask the staff for the specialised conveyor for that product – using the right trolley could save your materials from damage, and your back. Building supplies staff can deliver some of the bigger and heavier products directly to your door (or building site if you don’t yet have a door!) at a time that suits you. Just ask at the main desk.
Harlem teen opens the primary sneaker pawnshop on earth From the moment Spike Lee's Mars Blackmon talked about Michael Jordan's shoes were the main reason he dominates to the basketball court in Nike ads, the world's love for sneakers has transformed into obsession. Now, one New York City teenager is cashing in our passion for kicks.
Chase Reed, 16, has tapped into the successful potential of shoe culture by opening the world's first sneaker's only pawnshop in Harlem. Sneaker Pawn allows people to sell their high-end collectible shoes for cash. The priciest pair of shoes, a pair of Lebron Crown Jewels, applies to $1,400.
I used to ask dad for money for sneakers, and then he would request me for something in return, Chase said. " I was basically pawning my old sneakers to my father, and it started to click after a while.His $30,000 shoe collection was what helped bankroll the main one of a kind store.
Troy Reed, Chase's dad, declared that his son has always loved sneakers and fashion. "So, I sat him down 1 day and told him that it was time to turn his passion into money", his father said.
The two said the shop has quickly become a neighborhood spot for teens to come and hang out after basketball practice or school.
We're enjoying themselves, said Chase, between phone calls and haggling with customers.
Sneaker Pawn works like any pawnshop. They show you how much the shoes are worth, provide the cash to you on loan and so the customer has 30 days to repay them. The shoes must be mint condition or lightly used. One of the most coveted would be the Crown Jewels or vintage Air Jordans. Sneaker Pawn also refurbishes and customizes sneakers.
Reed stated that there are various of reasons that people want to pawn their shoes. ?Teenagers came in to pawn their sneakers for prom, he said. "We've had people come in who don't know what to do with a dead relative's sneaker collection, but need money for the funeral."
Entering just his junior year of high school at Fredrick Douglass Academy this fall, Chase has now made one dream come true. He hopes they can keep that trend going when high school is over.
"I want to go to Howard University or UCLA. I adore the Cali lifestyle", he said.
You'll find so many special personalities in just an NFL locker home. You can get louder gamers that understand the media focus, your Bart Scotts and Richard Shermana. Then, there are actually seriously tranquil gamers that will like for the microphones to keep on the opposite side on the place. That is most certainly DBrickashaw Ferguson. Brick doesnt discuss a lot, then when he does it is strictly business enterprise. Hes the type of leader that sales opportunities by instance. When somebody else like Mangold then again, he leads much more vocally. Hes involved with Jets supporters on Twitter. He has an great beard. It is easy for fans to slip in love with Mangold. Obviously, its tricky for an offensive lineman to remain effective following 8 total seasons at deal with. Fergusons take part in offers been heading downhill for your past few of seasons. He definitely has anything remaining inside the tank, but realistically hes absolutely not the participant he the moment was. It is for being anticipated.
®Brick isnt flashy. He isnt loud. He does not just like the cameras, or perhaps the interest. But Ill let you know what he's. Hes skilled, hes a leader, and he needs to gain. Up coming time you see oneself jersey browsing, look at #60. When hes released on gameday, cheer slightly louder. DBrickashaw Ferguson, the guy who have began each and every sport of his eight-year job, warrants all this. Demonstrate the silent player some really like for the moment.
Handbags SHAPES HOBO A hobo handbag is usually a smooth body, crescent-shaped bag. These bags may be dressy or casual. Most hobos feature a top zipper closure.
SATCHEL A satchel includes a short handle and can be a handheld or sometimes put above the shoulder. It has a flat bottom and a zippered, clasped, drawstring or buckled top.
FRAME BAG A frame bag is a bag the includes a hard frame, rather than smooth body. Frame handbags come in variety of shapes, including satchels, doctor bags and bowling bags.
ENVELOPE BAG An envelope bag is a clutch that could be the same shape as an envelope having a fold-over flap closure.
WRISTLET A wristlet is definitely a small bag which has a very thin strap to put on around your wrist. It holds hardly any - oftentimes less than a wallet. Wristlets became popular in recent years, particular at night clubs once you don't want to set down your bag.
Evening bag
EVENING BAGSSpecial event or evening bags are available in many different different styles and shapes. They might be mini-clutches, drawstring bags, small shoulder bags or any other various bag. Whatever shape and style, evening bags are normally shiny, featuring patent leather, sequins, crystals or jewels. Hard case clutches metallic or plastic have grown in popularity in recent years.
Other popular styles of bags, include the doctor bag, bowler, baguette and duffle.
Tips about how to help pick and choose a right handbagsWhen looking for a whole new handbag this season, think about your body type. Not all handbag is perfect for all women. Follow these tips to choose the perfect handbag to suit your needs. Generally speaking when it comes to handbags, the opposite shape of your body type is one of flattering. When you shop, head to the dressing room, carry the bag as you normally would and check it out from all angles in the mirror.
Female with handbag
TALL AND THIN Select handbags by using a short, slouchy shape like the hobo. Avoid shoulder bags with a short strap as they makes you look even taller. Choose handbags which can be wider than they are tall. A clutch is a great option.
PETITE In spite of what you see in Hollywood, large bags aren't for small ladies. Big bags usually overcome your frame. Steer clear of shoulder bags with a long strap as they will weigh you down, making you look even smaller.
PLUS-SIZELook for a big structured or boxy bag to balance your curves. Don't carry a bag that is too small as it will make you look larger. If you love prints, stay away from tiny designs.
EVERYONEWhen you're splurging upon an expensive handbag, select one that you'll be able to wear often. You don't need to spend $500 or even more on a handbag which will rarely allow it to be out of your closet. If you are getting several cheap bags instead, find one classic everyday bag in brown or black. Then, try fun, funky styles and metallics for the other bags.
If you aren't sure about the different types of purses and bags, on the next page are some general guidelines to help you along the way.
Harlem teen opens the 1st sneaker pawnshop on the globe From the time of Spike Lee's Mars Blackmon pointed out Michael Jordan's shoes were the reason why he dominates on the basketball court in Nike ads, the world's desire for shoes has transformed into obsession. And then, one New York City teenager is cashing in our appreciation for kicks.
Chase Reed, 16, has drawn the successful potential of shoe culture by opening the world's first sneaker's only pawnshop in Harlem. Sneaker Pawn lets people to promote their high-end collectible shoes for money. The costliest pair of shoes, a pair of Lebron Crown Jewels, goes for $1,400.
I used to ask my dad for cash for sneakers, and then he would request me for something in return, Chase said. " I was generally pawning my old sneakers to my father, and it started to click before long.His $30,000 shoe collection was what helped bankroll the main one of a kind store.
Troy Reed, Chase's dad, declared that his son has always loved sneakers and fashion. "So, I sat him down 1 day and told him that it was time to turn his passion into money", his father said. Both said the store has quickly become an area spot for teens to come and hang out after basketball practice or school.
We're having a great time, said Chase, in between phone calls and haggling with customers.
Sneaker Pawn works like any pawnshop. They show you how much the shoes are worth, supply the cash to you on loan and so the customer has 30 days to repay them. The shoes must be mint condition or lightly used. One of the most coveted are the Crown Jewels or vintage Air Jordans. Sneaker Pawn also refurbishes and customizes sneakers.
Reed stated that there are numerous of reasons that people want to pawn their shoes. ?Teenagers came in to pawn their sneakers for prom, he said. "We've had people come in who don't know what to do with a dead relative's sneaker collection, but need money for any funeral."
Entering just his junior year of high school at Fredrick Douglass Academy this fall, Chase has made one dream come true. He hopes he could keep that trend going when high school is over.
"I want to go to Howard University or UCLA. I love the Cali lifestyle", he said.